Kissed by a prince

Hi! This is also loosely based off of one of Emma’s idea about how fairy tales are unrealistic. I thought about that and realized that the majority of the fairy tales that I know end with princes swooping the girls up in their arms and/or marrying them. I thought that was really stupid so my solution? Write a poem about them.


Trapped in a tower, dancing around
Waiting and waiting, till finally she’s found
Never fearing, always convinced
And now, here comes her prince

Fear of a beast leads a girl to be brave
From this hairy monster her father she saves
Helpless she stands as the men come long since
She was finally left with a prince

A tireless beauty falls under a curse
Her parents work hard but fail to reverse
She pricks her finger without so much as a wince
To end the story, she’s kissed by a prince

By the way, this beautiful photo is not mine…… it belongs to Janet Meehan