
Hello! If you hadn’t heard, where I live was struck by two tornadoes in the span of a few hours, which were the first tornadoes we’ve had in over twenty years. I lost power for a few days, but I wrote this while looking out the window at trees bent double from the wind. This piece turned very very dark, but I quite like it anyways. Just know that I’m okay, and that these words came from deep inside the tornado, not me.

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The stars taste of cherry pits. The edge of the storm beckons, come, let the rain wash you away. Brokenness feels empty, yes, but emptiness fills the cracks with fire and malcontent. Green grass and trees, let me feed you with the never ending turmoil in my brain. The chasms open their arms and echo the words we wish we’d said. Broken hearts come here for relief, broken minds come here for the end. Close my eyes, say my goodbyes, apple seeds and bitter almonds rule the night tonight.

Do you ever?

This one actually belongs in my Letter’s I’ll Never Send folder, but I chopped out the parts that made it specific to one person and decided to post it, because apparently 12:00 AM me is a wonderful writer.

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Do you ever go outside in the middle of the night and listen to the hush of summer sleep in the air? I mean, when you lay on your back in the grass and stare up at the stars, do you wonder how far into time they go? Like, do you ever hold someone’s hand and feel their heartbeat line up with the blood rushing in your veins? Do you ever notice how winter air smells like mint and new beginnings, while summer air feels heavy, like cherry wood and chocolate? Because maybe it’s just my poet’s brain that notices the snowflakes’ dance through the air, but I want to show you things words can’t even begin to describe.


This one was inspired by the style of my favourite writer on Tumblr, Inkskinned. She has beautiful, flowing poetry, and this one kind of captures her style, I think. Here’s Disappointment.


I mean maybe I was just born to screw up and distract you from the fact that you never loved her maybe I was meant to keep making mistakes so that your hand would turn on my sorry cheek instead of hers maybe I’m useless because that’s all I’ve ever known how to be I’m just here to protect her and keep myself alive maybe I’m just meant to be a disappointment because that way at least everyone else gets praised for not being me right?