
Hey guys! I know it’s been a while and I’m really sorry, things have just been completely insane here. School has been beyond hectic, and I’ve been struggling just to keep myself functional. However, we are nearing the end of the month, so here’s something I typed out a couple weeks ago. I hope you guys enjoy!!

We are all filled with words we refuse to say. I wonder how some people can scream theirs with such confidence, shoulders squared and chin up, daring the world to bite back. It took me four years to notice they were there, six to learn to pronounce them, eight to finally wrap my tongue around the sharp edges and spit them out into the world. I want to break apart the ugliness into letter fragments, throw them away and bury them somewhere no one will ever find them, hide the evidence of the crimes that have been committed. I want to walk away from that cowering girl in sparkly silver shoes and let her fall apart, let the years separate us. I’m a flinch away from becoming that girl again, an angry word from relearning her name, her weakness, her flaws. I want to wipe her from existence, take her voice and throw it into the void. There’s no room for this here. I refuse to tell you what happened to her. Hers is a story I refuse to repeat.