
Me? Posting on the very last day of the month so I can say I’ve kept my promise? I would never!!

Jokes aside I’m kind of proud of this one, I think it turned out pretty well considering how little I’ve been writing lately. I really need to get back into it but I’ve been incredibly pressed for time. I’ll work on it, promise. Anyways, enjoy!!

You don’t ask me how I’m doing anymore, and that’s probably for the best. It means you’ve got more interesting things happening in your life than wondering exactly how fragile I’m feeling on any particular day of the week, and isn’t that something to be thankful for.

A lot’s changed in the last while; I’m relearning how to talk to you without losing my mind, and you’re telling me half-truths about the life you’ve been living. It’s okay, I was prepared for an unloving—just not how much it hurt. 

We talk about the weather and I cringe at the cliche, you’re changing your address and I’m breathing through it. We flinch at familiarity and at the newfound awkwardness between us; I can’t figure out where to put my hands and you’re talking instead of conversing, playing with your drink instead of looking at me. 

It’s been a while, and you don’t remember to ask me how I’m doing. 


I’m doing better.