Elastics and other such weaknesses

Hello!! I wrote something!!! It’s a little bit different from my normal vibe, but it’s probably because I’ve been inspired by other people. I just attended a poetry reading and the people who read were absolutely ELECTRIC, I loved all of their styles. That’s kind of where this came from, it let me unlock some stuff that I really did need to write about.

I was fifteen the first time I looked love in the mouth and seventeen when I stepped away from its challenge, declaring myself unworthy. You are all the reasons why. It is one thing to step away and be cruel, look someone square in the face and take a swing. It is quite another to experiment; keep pulling farther for longer, trying to see which one of us was going to snap. It was always going to be me. You’re still my definition for love; I think of tears and stretching when I think of you, reminisce. Sixteen was a breaking down, you know? A canvas of black and white, staring at the ceiling and forgetting how to breathe. It takes a special kind of robbery to steal air from blood, withhold it and ask me to get on my knees. Such foolishness, what a mistake. This was not love, this was a pulling-apart, a reckless jerk at something vital.