The smell of sawdust

So this little poem was very heavily inspired by a book I’ve been reading, and since it’s Valentine’s Day, I thought it would be a nice time to post this particular one. It’s kind of sad, but then again, little on here isn’t. Anyways, enjoy, and have a happy Valentine’s Day.


I was in love with you
You loved the idea of love
Love from anyone
Any person but me

We killed time in your basement
Getting covered in wood shavings
Maybe because I was the first girl to let you get that close
Close enough to hear my heart
Hear it speed up and flutter whenever your lips touched my neck

You wrapped me in a hug and I realized
I had never felt so safe
So warm
So loved as I did in arms I knew would never love me

But I rolled around on the carpet with you
All in childish good fun
Playing with your hair
Touching your cheek
Wrapping my arms around you

And now
When that moment is but a memory
I remember your hands on my back
My arms around your neck
Legs intertwined
And the smell of sawdust in your hair